APk Editor Studio

Hello everyone,
I downloaded a guide to use APK Editor Studio; and I read that in order to view the contents of an APK file, you have to rename it .zip. But doing so, I end up with a file.zip.apk :thinking: Where am I going wrong?

Devi sostituire l'estensione apk con zip, quindi il file diventa myproject.zip

I created the zip file; but in the opening it gives me an error.

Io ho la versione portable ed apre direttamente i file apk senza bisogno di rinominarli, dove l'hai letto ?

Me instead after renaming them; I keep getting the double extension and it doesn't open them. Could you please send me the link to download the portable version?

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are you sure that APk Editor Studio is working? I tried a lot of APk Editor Studio and did not find a working one. because of this I am decompiling from the phone

Maybe my APK Editor Studio doesn't work either

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You do not need to rename the file, APK Studio opens an APK 'as is'.

@ChrisWard I'm trying to open the APK file directly; but it gives me the same error.

....so there is apparently something wrong with the APK - it might just be that you are using something that requires Android API 31 and the APK Editor Studio isn't up-to-date with that feature.

You can un-pack it manually. put it in an empty folder and use WinZip (or better, BandiZip) to extract it.

I was able to ascertain that you are actually right; in fact I opened the APK with 7 Zip

it is updated... works for me with my android sdk 31 apk's

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