Hello everyone,
I downloaded a guide to use APK Editor Studio; and I read that in order to view the contents of an APK file, you have to rename it .zip. But doing so, I end up with a file.zip.apk Where am I going wrong?
Devi sostituire l'estensione apk con zip, quindi il file diventa myproject.zip
Io ho la versione portable ed apre direttamente i file apk senza bisogno di rinominarli, dove l'hai letto ?
Me instead after renaming them; I keep getting the double extension and it doesn't open them. Could you please send me the link to download the portable version?
are you sure that APk Editor Studio is working? I tried a lot of APk Editor Studio and did not find a working one. because of this I am decompiling from the phone
Maybe my APK Editor Studio doesn't work either
....so there is apparently something wrong with the APK - it might just be that you are using something that requires Android API 31 and the APK Editor Studio isn't up-to-date with that feature.
You can un-pack it manually. put it in an empty folder and use WinZip (or better, BandiZip) to extract it.
I was able to ascertain that you are actually right; in fact I opened the APK with 7 Zip
it is updated... works for me with my android sdk 31 apk's
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