APK Download / Install Issue: Download Stuck in a Loop

Hello Everyone,

I have been teaching with MIT App Inventor for 6 years, and this is a new-to-me issue:

I have two students (out of eight) who are unable to download and install the APK for their first soundboard app on a Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 Lite (the AIA for one of their apps is attached).

When these two students attempt to 'Build' their app into an APK and then download it via the Companion App's QR code reader, the APK download gets stuck in a loop that begins to count downloaded KBs, then goes back to 0.0 KBs, then repeats this failed download loop ad infinitum...

Here are the things I have checked:

[ ] No warnings or errors on the Blocks screen
[ ] No weird media file types (e.g. no .jfif, etc.)
[ ] Only .jpeg and .mp3 media files used
[ ] App icon is png and not too large / small
[ ] App file size is well-under the 5 GB limit (it's less than 4 GB)

Other things I've tried:

[ ] Making a new copy of the app (no luck)
[ ] Deleting media files from the app and trying the download again (no luck)
[ ] Downloading the APK directly to the laptop (download fails--no luck)
[ ] Downloading the APK to other thoroughly vetted Android tablets (e.g. Samsung Galaxy Tab A, but no luck)

Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks, -Nick

Soundboard_DTW2.aia (604.5 KB)

The apk is around 4GB?

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I have just built the app and downloaded the apk to my computer (3.8mb), and installed it to my device without fault.

Must either be a device issue (Samsung) or a network issue at your end ?

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Is the student trying to download this on the school network, or a home network? Sometimes school proxies can interfere because they are actively analyzing the content and decide something is "bad," without recourse. I'd be interested in knowing if the student has the same issue at home.

This application works for me in MIT Companion and installed.
.apk size: 3.8 MB

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Thank you all--I will reach out to our IT team.