API 33 Google play requirement after 31 August

Hi all,
Thanks for the replies.

I get the message in the page of the app. I am sure is for the app. What I am not sure is the message for older version or not, though I had updated to newer one.

For I now I will just ignore the warning message.

Thanks again.

I'm sure ... as of Aug. 11, 2023, there was no targetSdk 33 version of AI2.

thank you.

Thank you very much for everything, I am already updating all the apps without problems
I only have one person who tells me that it does not work on a mobile with Android 13 but I will detect what happens

What does not work Android 13?

Hello Anke! I have not sent it to a client to an apk that I have on Google Play and he tells me that it does not work, now I sent him another one so that he can tell me what is not working for him, he tells me that the phone restarts all the time I'll let you know as soon as I confirm

From my contacts with users from Android & iOS, I know from many years of experience that users who have once contacted my support are then willing to provide further information (such as screenshots, videos, etc.). I have helped hundreds of users with problems this way.

Basically, things don't work any differently here in the forum.

Before providing a production update in Google Play for SDK33 it might be a good idea to first test the app especially concerning the behavioral changes, for example the new permissions


yes he sent me a video of what is happening, you open the application and then it restarts. I recently sent him the same program without using extensions like Whatsapp tools and UrsAI2Keep Alive.
Regarding permissions, my application is simply a radio streaming player, I do not need essential permissions if I am interested in keeping the application running in the background without the phone going into sleep mode.

Send me the aia via PM. I can take a look.

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Hello Anke! Sorry, I just saw your response. This person didn't talk to me anymore but I still remained worried and sent the same app to another person with Android 13 and it worked without any problem. thank you very much for your help!!!