Android Studio Vs MIT App Inventor ? Which one do you support most?

Android Studio Vs MIT App Inventor ? Which one do you support most ?

  • MIT App Inventor
  • Android Studio

0 voters


What's the purpose of this poll?


This poll tells how many users in percentage like MIT App Inventor. In this case, most of them (incl. me) selected MIT App Inventor.

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All have different perspectives,
Those who are learning coding will use MIT App inventor and it's distributions(Niotron, Kodular, Appzard, Android Builder) but those who want productive app will prefer Android Studio as we have full control over it

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If we are in MIT App Inventor community, are we all voting for MIT App Inventor? Because right now, this seems to be the fact...

Android Studio is more powerful, while MIT App Inventor is easier.


it seems more powerful but i think that with enough extensions , android studio will be useless with time

What are you saying bruh!

First the we can't create views using extensions which uses XML
And this is absolutely wrong that Android Studio will become useless as the professional and responsive apps are made using Android Studio or maybe another android platform

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