Android codes to create an Android app

Hi all,

Can I type Android codes in Java or Kotlin in an MIT app inventor instead of block based programming language and where to type Android code?

Thank you.

The closest thing you can do is build extensions in Java and load them into App Inventor. App Inventor does not have a Java/Kotlin language interface. If you are really interested in building apps with those languages, I'd recommend you use Android Studio.

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Hi ewpatton,

I prefer the MIT App inventor. Where can I download extensions in Java? Do I load them into App Inventor by using its Upload File or how?

Thank you.

Do I download the jdk folder? If yes, do I load them into App Inventor by using its Upload File or how? Thanks.


You may want to take a look at the extension template:

You'll need to set up a few dependencies for building, such as git, the JDK, and ant.

You'll also want to review the extension authoring documentation:

You have also to use the app inventor annotations.