Android 14 function "CopyFile" permission denied (error 908)

Hello, i want to copy images from DCIM/folderxy/ to App Specific Directory. Tests on Android 11 and 13 were successful, but it did not work on Android 14.



Thanks in advance.

How you are allowing permission on the device only one time or Always while using the app?

The permission requests look good. However, we need to see all relevant blocks, including those related to copying.

Confirmed on Android 14:

On Android 13 "Legacy" works but "Shared" don't (regardless of a leading slash or not):

Companion & APK.

@apk_wip Use the TaifunFile or FileTools extension instead of the File component (until this bug is fixed).

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Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for the confirmation, that's right, I had selected "Legacy" Filescope in my block:

So then I will switch to TaifunFile.
But then I probably have to change the filenames too, that means always with absolute path?
Like for example "/storage/emulated/0/DCIM/folderxy/img01.jpg"?

I used your extension! :+1:

No, TaifunFile works with a relative, absolute and/or full path.