Hello everyone, I am trying to make an app to print a label that I send myself in the form of an image, on a tablet with Android Amazon Fire 8 HD where I installed the Play Store, it prints, but on my cell phone with Android 13 it doesn't, I hear that The connection is made but I can't get it to print, can you help me?
Post Data: I am making the application from my Windows PC and I send the APK to my cell phone and tablet and install the package on each one...
The routes on the tablet change, there I use this other route instead of /Download/EtiJc.Png:
/storage/emulated/0/WePrint/EtiJc.Png ... and if it prints but it doesn't work for me, for example, setting the value of the labels
Aclaración: el dueño de la extension me indica que no es un tema que este afectando su software, aqui la situacion es la direrencia de versiones de android ... me pueden ayudar?
Clarification: the owner of the extension tells me that it is not an issue that is affecting his software, here the situation is the direction of Android versions... can you help me?
Al parecer descargas una imagen en la carpeta Downloads, intenta descargarla en el ASD si no es obligatorio que la imagen esté en dicha carpeta, tambien puedes usar el url de la imagen directamente, pero si necesitas más ayuda podrías compartir tu .aia.
It looks like you're downloading an image at the Downloads folder, try to download it in the ASD if it is not mandatory that the image is in that folder, you can also use the image url, but if you need more help you could share your .aia