Extension name: Gesture Detect
Author: Mika
Extension Blocks:
Download AIX: com.NMD.Gesture.aix (13.6 KB)
Extension name: Gesture Detect
Author: Mika
Extension Blocks:
All of Mika's extensions are available for download HERE
Gordon_Lu please amend first post accordingly
Extension name: Button Designer
Author: Ahmad Mtrd
Extension blocks:
Download AIX: com.ahmadSyria.ButtonDesigner (2).aix (7.4 KB)
Extension name: Button Designer
Author: Ahmad Mtrd
Extension blocks:
Download AIX: com.ahmadSyria.ArrangementDesign.aix (7.6 KB)
Extension name: Circular Progress
Author: Carlos Pedroza
Extension blocks:
Download AIX: com.pedroza.CircularProgress.aix (17.6 KB)
As far I see it is not mentioned anywhere, but RedPanda stores their extensions in a GitHub repository. (AnyAPI, DistanceTools, FileAlt, i18n, MathTools, TinyDBTools, ToneGenerator, WolframAlpha)
AIX files and example AIA files can be found in the related directories.
(It may be useful to download the repository archive from "Code > Download ZIP", in case the repository gets deleted in the future)
Do anybody has jerin pdf tools aix?
Great, you seem to be an endless treasure trove.
As always, @Boban still has it in his inexhaustible fund of extensions.
I tested the extension on Android 12: It works perfectly.
Thanks, I'll update that ASAP after I get home.
Thanks im ahmad matr
@ILoveThunkable - WebViewerDialog Extension
Does anyone knows if this Firebase Authentication extension still works 2023?
I need to get refresh token to work in my Kodular app, and for what I've learned so far this extesion is my best shot. Default FB Authentication on Kodular doesn't seem to support refreshing a login and thus is sending my users back to login screen every hour, not the best user experience.