All of my projects have been deleted, and they're not in my bin

I haven't been logged out for long, but my account seems to have reset.

This is so much strange, maybe you have made those projects in another account

Which server were they on?

  •, or
  • ?

Did you look in the trash? Yes, I did look in the trash.

That doesn't seem likely; I only have one account, and I never logged out anyway

Try clearing cache and reopen appinventor website

(Assigned to MIT)

What's the difference ? why 2 server ?

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Please send me a private message with your Google account address. I'll take a look.

We don't delete projects, so this isn't anything normal. When did you create the projects that are missing?

Unlike the ai2 server, the code server allows you to work without login, using a code you hopefully remember from the last time you used the code server.

Forget the code, and you end up in a new session independent of your prior session(s).

The code server is more expensive to run, for temporary relief with projects too big to fit on the ai2 server. allows projects to be created without a Google Account. It was originally built for the Hour of Code program, since it's not practical to ask hundreds of kids to set up a Google account just to do a one-hour introduction. If you don't use a Google Account on the code server, you can use a character code to retrieve your projects. The downside is that if you lose your code, we can't retrieve your projects for you because we don't store any information to identify them. is our original server, which is linked to a Google account.

There are a few differences between the servers. The most notable one is that code can handle larger projects.


My project in MIT INVENTOR ,AI2,
have been deleted no reason,
Please help me.
Thank you.