I'm creating a Weather forecast App and I've encountered an alignment issue. Each Orange rectangle is a VerticalArrangement with a width of 18%.
On Android, all the elements display as I wish/designed.
On the iPhone, only 4 Horizontal Arrangements appear and on the rightmost is squished. Also, the topmost icon in green square is also squished.
I borrowed an iPad with iOS 17.
I added VerticalArrangement background color in each cell to see what had happened.
Strange behavior of the iPhone. I would also try changing the width in blocks, I saw posts somewhere where someone showed that something works from blocks, but does not work from the designer.
This may be caused by the Label containing the time and date. It apparently doesn't want to break the line to a new line. Maybe try setting the Label width to fill_parent or 18%.
Previously there was no year, the date looked like this: 12-26. Now you moved the time to a new line, but the year 2024-12-26 appeared in the date, so the text still does not fit on the screen. You also changed the time format from 00:00 to 00:00:00, I don't think anyone needs seconds when checking the weather...I would also adjust the font size, as it is too large for the iPhone's capabilities.
There is no automatic font size adjustment in appinventor. You have to set everything yourself. Although sometimes it requires extensions which is not possible in the case of ios. You have to set a safe small font.
Not sure, if you can take look at the ListView? I have all the weather data in ListView, but it won't show up on iOS. On Android, all weather data showed up.