Align numbers in listview


spaces are not significant in listview
also I put an "a" and the numbers are aligned
then I replaced the a with space and the numbers are no longer aligned
there wouldn't be an invisible character that would align my numbers in my listview?






unfortunately neither one nor the other

It would really help if you provided a screenshot of your relevant blocks as well as a screenshot of how the listview looks like, so we can see what you are trying to do, and where the problem may be.

To get an image of your blocks, right click in the Blocks Editor and select "Download Blocks as Image". You might want to use an image editor to crop etc. if required. Then post it here in the community.


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.


what i want is to get an alignment like this in a listview without the a

I used a's to make the format and then replaced the a's with space but it didn't work the numbers were no longer aligned
if I could have made them transparent ....

If numbers you could add leading zeros.....


I know but it doesn't make it easy to read


Another way is to put the numbers into a right aligned label, but then you lose the selectability....

Put them in an HTML table that consists of a single column, right aligned.

Of course!

Here is an example using a google sheet to hold the list of numbers, and a url you can call to do just this:



again, not selectable, but additional html and webviewstring could make that so.

A further issue there is the font - it may or may not support the more "exoctic" hidden characters that UTF-8 has to offer, but you can try them:

U+0009  character tabulation
U+000A  line feed
U+000B  line tabulation
U+000C  form feed
U+000D  carriage return
U+0020  space
U+0085  next line
U+00A0  no-break space
U+1680  ogham space mark
U+180E  mongolian vowel separator
U+2000  en quad
U+2001  em quad
U+2002  en space
U+2003  em space
U+2004  three-per-em space
U+2005  four-per-em space
U+2006  six-per-em space
U+2007  figure space
U+2008  punctuation space
U+2009  thin space
U+200A  hair space
U+200B  zero width space
U+200C  zero width non-joiner
U+200D  zero width joiner
U+2028  line separator
U+2029  paragraph separator
U+202F  narrow no-break space
U+205F  medium mathematical space
U+2060  word joiner
U+3000  ideographic space
U+FEFF  zero width non-breaking space

.....Well, tried them myself :panda_face:

The issue with prefixing any space is that a monospace font is needed for accuracy, but ListView does not offer a font typeface option. So, the best solution is an HTML table - unless the enhanced ListViews available as an extension can do better:

If you want an extension-free work around,
use a stack of buttons and a Canvas scroll bar to drag your list of Element values across
the little window of button Texts ...

In this case, pick a monospace font for the buttons, and set them right aligned.

I had the same problem and solved it by calculating character width, decimal width, and padded witdth at app startup, then setting each listview width to the maximum calculated width.

I created a listview inside a horizontal scrolling arrangement with both having automatic width and height.

I then add the following single elements to the listview using a 100ms timer and capture the width of the listview after each element is inserted.

  1. The number 8
  2. The number 8. (note the decimal point)
  3. A single decimal point

The decimal point width is the width of 2) minus 1).
The padded width is the wdith of 3) minus the decimal point width.
The character width is the width of 1) minus the padded width.

This works very well for me and I hope this helps.