Alert and phone call

How do I trigger phone call when the value in a database is 1?

you can't trigger a phone call programmatically without user interaction, the user always have to click a button

for a Google Play friendly method to start a phone call use the activity starter method, see also this thread in the old forum


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.

So, there is no way to trigger call or message automatically based on the data retrieved from database?

are you using realtime db?



What Taifun said in slightly different words is there is no way to trigger a call message other than by the device user making the call using the Phone component manually. AI2 apps cannot send a message or make a call by programming ( you cannot use the events of a component including the database controls to initiate a call or text message). Sorry.

You can send an eMail using a GoogleSheet . Here is a non-App Inventor 2 example: Create a mail merge with Gmail & Google Sheets  |  Apps Script  |  Google for Developers

Thank you for the info.

yes i am using firebase realtime db

If applications could make calls or send text messages themselves, many developers could use this to earn money by sending text messages or calling paid numbers.