aiStarter how to use emulator for shaking

i would like to know how to use aiStarter for the function of accelerometer sensor-shaking .

thank you.

best regards,

OK, i found the answer at this link.

thank you.

Hi Supannee. Welcome to the forum.

That link explains how to use the emulator.

Sorry, you cannot use the emulator to demonstrate shaking using the accelerometer block. The emulator does not have an accelerometer and most other sensors.

Test something like the code below on a real Android device . Place a TextToSpeech component and the Accelerometer on the Designer screen. I think you can use the emulator to place the Blocks but you will either have to test using AI Companion or will have to create an apk and upload the compiled app using the QR code to a real Android or cell phone to test.


when you shake the device, it will talk to you. Supannee.
