AI2 Emulator is not working on MacOS Big Sur

One of my students told me that he was unable to run the Emulator on MacOS Big Sur. Anybody has the same problem?

It seems that the issue was Mac new OS does not support 32-bit applications any more but AI2 Emulator is a 32-bit application? Any solution to this? How to run the emulator on a Mac with newest OS. Thanks.

Unfortunately we cannot provide official support for Big Sur at this time.

As a workaround, your student can install Android Studio and install the emulator package with an appropriate image (e.g., x86_64). Once the student is running the emulator, they can download the companion for emulator from Drag the APK file into the emulator to install. From there, they should use the AI2 Companion option and type the 6 character code into the box to connect.

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Thank you very much for the info.