Ai image generator is not working

imagebot is showing error404

The 404 code means that a server could not find a web page. It may mean you do not have a current ApiKey.

Do you have your own OpenAI API key? I think you need to get your own OpenAI API key to use MIT App Inventor’s ChatBot component.

Follow the steps below to create your OpenAI account and get your OpenAI API key.

Follow the steps below to create your OpenAI account and get your OpenAI API key.

These instructions from a Chatbot tutorial were once correct. I don't know if they still work.

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the Login button on the upper right, then click Sign up option.

  1. Create your account by entering your email and choosing a password. You can also sign up using your Google, Microsoft and Apple accounts.

  1. You will need to verify your e-mail and phone number during the signup process.
  2. To get your personal OpenAI API key go to
  3. Click on the API keys tab and the Create new secret key button.

  1. Give your key a name if you wish. This step is optional.

  1. Copy and save your API key somewhere safe on your computer. You will need it while doing the project.
  2. During the ImageBot project, when you add your ImageBot component, you will need to copy-paste your OpenAI API key in the ImageBot property ApiKey. You must supply your own OpenAI API key for this component by setting its ApiKey property in the blocks.