AI companion without WiFi

I am an IT teacher, my students are developing Apps, but WiFi is not working yet. With AI companion installed on mobile phones, it is never possible to check the App, via the mobile internet of each mobile phone. Almost all students have 4G on their phone, but it always gives an error.
How should I solve the problem?

The companion app requires wifi to work correctly.

maybe try getting them to download the emulator?

Welcome Jose.

Do you mean it is not possible to live develop using the Companion Jose?

Are they trying to make a connection using Companion using network? That cannot be done, the PC and the Android must connect using the same IP address (which means the same network as the PC is using). Review Step 2: in the live development/Companion advice: Connect both your computer and your device to the SAME WiFi Network

App Inventor will automatically show you the app you are building, but only if your computer (running App Inventor) and your device (running the Companion) are connected to the same WiFi Network. See a more detailed explanation of this here.

Did this advice help Jose?

Try running to see if any problems are identified. App Inventor uses WebRTC to connect and that site checks for WebRTC errors. You do not need camera/microphone, just look at the network/connectivity sections.

Thanks for the informations, but the problem is:
Each student have installed the "AI Companion" app on their mobile phone. Since we don't have WiFi yet, when they want to test the application and click on "Connect / AI Companion" the QR code is generated. When the "AI Companion" app on the phone tries to read the QR Code, it starts to download but then says that it is not possible to connect.

OK, thanks.

OK then Jose. Sorry, your students cannot use the Companion for live development until your school network provides WIFI. :cry: You must use WIFI, your students cannot use a network connection.

Your students however, should be able to do is use USB . No WiFi? Build apps with an Android device and USB Cable: Instructions

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Thanks, again.


One possibility is for each student to install an Off-Line version on their computer and use the emulator or a USB cable connected to the mobile to test the application.

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