AI Companion resets and APP does not launch to Android

I was running the attached .aia and i made some minor changes. This has occurred a few hours ago. AI Companion resets and shows flash of app screen in the Android, but no APP is lauched. If i build and install .apk, APP runs OK. AI Companion(android) and Chrome (notebook) are running at the same network.
Any help will be strongly appreciatted.
This attached .aia refers to a conection via classic Bluetooth reader of RFID tags. RFID and timestamp will be the base json to be transmitted to the webservice. Some adjustment in the json data to be saved for future transmmittion is under development. But basic transmittion is partially ok.
The main request refers to take back AI Companion functionallity.

Atex_v01_4_2.aia (25.4 KB)

Check for latest Companion: