I have changed the email address of my Google account, and when i logged my applications were not there.
What I can do?
Only back-up I have is .apk files.
Can you not use your old email address to access your projects and perform a back-up?
I can’t log in with the old email. “Such account does not exist”
Hi again.
MIT can, in most cases, find old accounts on the Server and give them new ID.
I will assign your post to MIT. They will contact you for your old ID and new ID - do not post your details on the forum. Please be patient, the MIT team is small and very busy.
Assuming everything goes well and you are up and running again, your first job will be to back-up your projects. Your second job will be making backups a habit.
Thanks. I will wait.
We store your projects by your Google account ID. Please let me know what the old address was and what the new address is now. Also, give me some names and descriptions of the projects in the account so I can verify ownership.
I’ve had the same thing happen after getting a gmail account - all apps disappeared and can’t log in with my old email.
Any chance one of the wonderful MIT team could contact me?
I’m the member of the wonderful MIT team who handles account transfers
Send me a private message with the old mail, new account, and a description of some of the projects that need to be transferred.
I had a previous email address with all of my app but my school district just changed our email addresses today. I'm no longer able to get those apps. Is it possible for me to get all of them?
I'm here to help. This is a common problem -- App Inventor attaches your project to your Google address and doesn't have any way to know when that address changes. I can transfer the projects.
Please send me a private message with:
- Your old Google address
- Your new Google address
- Some information about your projects so that I can verify ownership
You can send a private message by clicking my user picture and selecting "Message."
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