Advice Needed: ESP32, ESP2866, WiFi, BLE or ESPNow?

First let me say that I have worked with Bluetooth classic, and have a good understanding of using it with App Inventor and Arduino.

Now I wish to use ESP32 and or ESP8266 D1 Mini, which I have no experience with at all.

I need some advice on how to go about doing the following:

  • On my app I wish to several buttons.

  • Clicking a button would tell the Master ESPxx to send a message to several other remote ESPxx, which will all respond at the same time to turn on/off a relay in different locations.

  • Clicking another button would do the same thing but for a different group of remote ESPxx.

  • Also I will need to be able to turn on/of some other GPIO on the Master ESPxx from the app.

  • I also would need to get a response back to the Master from the Remote ESPxx’s that the relay did in fact turn on.

I am not sure which way to go about doing it, should I use ESP32 or ESP8266, WiFi, or BLE or ESPNow or a combination of them?

My thoughts are to go with ESP8266 and ESPNow as per this tutorial:

I think I can figure most of it out from the tutorial, but the part I am not sure on is how to add to the example the part to connect to the Master from the app.

I have several ESP32 and ESP2866 D1 Mini on order they should be here in a few days so I can start experimenting.

Can any one give me some advice on how and which way I should go about doing this. I am totally new to BLE and WiFi and ESPNow, so any help would be greatly appreciated.


you must configure your esp32 as station + ap and es8266 as station the communication path by udp and publish in the brodcast so that all devices receive the information my whatsapp +57 3176732214

Thanks for the reply Andres.

So you are saying I should use a ESP32 as the Master, then use the ESP2866 as the slaves using ESPNow? As in the tutorial above?

How should the app connect to the ESP32? BLE or WiFi? Which would be the best way for what I want to do?

What is udp?

Sorry I don’t have whatsapp. But if you could help me out with getting started just message me.


Hi Andres!

Didn't know where to ask, so everybody forgive me for off comment in this topic.
I wrote you a private message few days ago about your extension, maybe you missed it out.
I'm using your websocket extension. Works fine, but disconnecting. I also wanted to ask, is there a way to check connection? Connection close if phone go to sleep, and i don't want to create a new socket on every sending, especially disconnect gives error.

BLE is pointless. Google REQUIRES "location Enabled" (GPS) on the phone, so there is NO POINT to programming with BLE to save battery life on the phone.