I tried admob and I watched the video from the developer of this admob extension and I think, I did everything right. But the app closes when I will install and open it. The error message appears and says, that the app is closed. I cannot open the app. The app with the banner data is in admob under review. What did I wrong, please? I will try to attach the extension I have created. The banner should appear in a horizontal arrangement. In my app is also a link to my google play apps and to my Kindle ebook editions. Does this disturb? Thank you! Martina
Hello Majkerrr, Thank you. These are sad news. I activated extra my admob account for this. Does Taifun have such an admob extension perhaps? If such a working extension would be premium and not too expensive I also would be ready to pay for it. Important is, that it works. Perhaps Taifun can answer this question? Thank you! Have a great day! Martina
Hello, Unfortunately, the UnityAds are asking for a Game ID when I activate it in AI2. So I think, it will not work for admob ads. I really hope to find a solution, because my premium apps are not selling. People are searching for free apps or my apps do not have enough functionality because of a lack of programming knowledge. I am searching for the problem. Thanks! Martina
Hi all! Could someone else please share her or his experiences with this admob extension? I have also setup the test device in admob, but the error with the app which is closing when installed, still resists. The blocks are like in the posts before. I do not know, what I am doing wrong. But perhaps the reason is, that Google reviews the banner ad. I had to reactivate or to renew my admob account after closing the account. I will wait a day, but if someone sees a mistake in my programming, then please let me know. Thank you! Martina