Additional programming to broadcast hub

Adding of extra codes to a broadcast hub

I will like for the app not to broadcast the images but to send it to me directly and be stored.Any ideas?

Do you mean to not broadcast the images messages?

Code like the following will probably save the messages received (not tested) . The code might save ALL the messages members of the group send to the phone that is used to provide the Broadcast Hub. If you do not change anything else in the code, other than adding the Blocks shown with RED marks; the app will still 'broadcast' the messages to everyone on the registered list. If you do not want to broadcast then re-write the entire app to do what you want.

If you want to just do that, then you should not use the Broadcast Hub tutorial as your app model.


Apart from the textbox, is there any component that can be used to type in text.For example, when texting thru messages, the space automatically increases to write more.Is there a possible feature of that for the textbox or is there another component that can fulfill my desires

I will like for the textbox to be increasing in height automatically when someone is writing

I will also like to ask if there is any component for search engines just like google that works on app inventor

One of the Notifier blocks can ask for text, and has a special Event block that will receive the text when you are done typing.

Read the help info for the Activity Starter. It should be one of the samples.

It does, doesn't it ? See below:


Textbox properties:

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Is that one of your tutorials on your website??

Hello pls, i will like to know if there is any tutorial on designing the user interface of an app to make it look attractive.You see i’m very bad when it comes to display of components and i will need some help

My last message wasn’t replied as prompt as usual.Any problem??

I’m having a runtime error saying ‘Invalid destination adress’


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