Adding Submenu in Side bar

I have a side bar with the following menus

  • Home
  • About
  • Services

I want to add a submenu under the services menu with the following

  • 1 on 1 Training Session
  • Class Type Training Session

I'm new to MIT App and I've been looking for ways to do this. Please help.

Are you using a sidebar extension?

Yes. I come as far as the main menu (Home, About and Services), but I'm stuck with the services.

I do not believe that the extension can provide a true submenu.

Try using a second sidebar to open when you press Services, or try the Popup menu extension offered by the same developer

You mean, I have to add 1 more sidebar when the "services" is clicked? Thanks for the help. Sorry I'm few days old in this app. :sweat_smile:

Yes, drag out another instance of the extension. (Less confusing than reconfiguring the first one to display a second sidebar)

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For example: