Add singleTask in manifest extension

Hello all,
I know it is possible to add some fonctionnality to manifest througth an extension:
for exemple :
@UsesPermissions(permissionNames = "android.permission.ANSWER_PHONE_CALLS")
or ```

but is there a way to add "android:launchMode="singleTask" or "android:launchMode="singleInstance" and how to do it ?

Hello @jean-marc_Latour,
For an extension, this attribute can only be declared for custom activities that you define using UsesActivities annotation, however, it's not currently possible to modify an existing activity's attributes.
P.S: there is a special case that would use singleTask as a value for the launchMode attribute which is, that the NearField component was added to the project.

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For own activities, it is possible.

custom activities you mean without posting on play store ?

how do you do this ?

i can do nothing with the link !

Add your apps package name and Screen1 as screen name.
Download the extension and put it in Screen1.
Compile app , install and try to open a link.

Screen1 will be opened only once and re-opening it will just bring it to top of other activities.