I want to send an image along with subject and text. I am using an ActivityStarter configured:
Action: android.intent.action.SEND
DataType: image/*
The block that does not work with the image file:
Note setting the the DataUri is disabled. I try combinations of using STREAM and/or DataUri. In all cases when I select email as the target app, the subject and body text are as expected, and when I select messaging as the target app, the message body text is as expected. The image is always missing.
The STREAM (and DataUri) value is file:///storage/emulated/0/Android/data/appinventor.ai_freddiegarvin.SiteMonitor/files/Pictures/app_inventor_1674057046923.jpg
In parallel, I have the block:
In this case (with the same file name string), the text and image both show up in email and message (with the additional subject as part of the email).
Does anyone have any hints on what I am doing wrong?