Access to my projects

Hello, I still have my frozen dashboard, does anyone know how to solve this?

Maybe you can give some more detail.

You can't access only 2 of your projects and access the rest? Or you have only 2 projects as of now?

What is blocked? I mean what does blocked mean here? Did the browser notified something about the website?

Try using Firefox

Why did you make 2 accounts on the community?

Yes I have only 2 projects, I have already done it in Chrome and Firefox, the dashboard opens, but nothing is clickable.

I didn't remember my password, my initial account is with the email removed by mod, then I opened one with removed by mod, but I prefer to use the first one, which is linked to my projects.

I removed your personal info. Please don't share that on the community.

Ah, ok, sorry.

Peter, I still have no access to my 2 projects.

I'm confused. Is this a response to a previous conversation with me? Did you create a second account?

OK, I see. You sent email about this yesterday.

I'm not sure you're talking about MIT App Inventor. What Dashboard are you talking about in your email? What is frozen?

MIT App Inventor does not have a password separate from your Google account. Login is integrated. If you don't remember your password to your Google account, we can't help you with that.

Are you using or

Are you receiving an error message? What is it?

Hi Susan, I'm using and I'm connected with my Google email and password, but when I enter the project panel (I have 2 projects) everything is frozen, nothing is enabled to click .

I just entered, but it opens a page that asks for a code, which I don't know how to get.

Thanks for helping.

I managed to enter now, but my projects do not appear.

If you were using ai2, keep using ai2. Projects are not transferred from there to code.

I don't understand what you mean by everything is frozen. Can you give me a screenshot?

If you changed your Google account, projects do not transfer. I will need to transfer the projects to the new account.

I managed to enter, so I prefer to redo my APPs, as I was going to reformulate them a lot, I think it's better to start from scratch. Anyway, thanks, for send the link to use MIT APP Inventor again.

:sorrindo: :sorriso:

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