Access to folders

Since few days i also have found that my app is not working anymore accessing to folders.
I'm using the Offline version nb183c and Xiaomi 10 which has no SDcard.
This instruction that was working before
button.image="/storage/emulated/0/myfolder/img.jpg" (even if it is related to not existing sdcard)
now is not reading from the myfolder /img.jpg located in the phone memory.
The companion 2.59 on this instruction crashes.
How should i fix this?

Your problem is Android 10 and Companion 2.59. You can use an Android 9 and lower and get back where you were; to continue to use Android 10 follow the advice here>

Mixing and matching code on offline versions of App Inventor aia's with online probably exasperates the problem.

Try the advice in the link. There are several different 'solutions'. You should be ok once you realize certain files are no longer accessible from where they used to be accessible prior to the latest changes necessitated by Google's latest requirements for GooglePlay.


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thank you
With version nb183c Offline and Companion 2.58a everything is working again on Android 10.

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