As per reference tutorials for components, the accelerometer shows readins as below*
xAccel : 0 when the phone is at rest on a flat surface, positive when the phone is tilted to the right (i.e., its left side is raised), and negative when the phone is tilted to the left (i.e., its right size is raised).
- yAccel : 0 when the phone is at rest on a flat surface, positive when its bottom is raised, and negative when its top is raised.
- zAccel : Equal to -9.8 (earth’s gravity in meters per second per second when the device is at rest parallel to the ground with the display facing up, 0 when perpendicular to the ground, and +9.8 when facing down. The value can also be affected by accelerating it with or against gravity.
But i am getting reading opposite to that for example
I gets the positive reading of X when phone is tilted to left ( right side raised) and negative value when tilted to right ( left side raised). The same goes for Y and Z values.
Anybody experienced the same or it is written wrongly on app inventor website!