About tinywebDB get values (using ios)

Looks like it is the iOS problem, it is working fine in Android!
Thanks guys.

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Hmm... this definitely should be working on iOS. We will take a look on our end.


So I have a similar situation I think.

Using a custom TinyWebDB at https://weighty-elf-382502.appspot.com/, seems to work fine with MIT App Inventor App on an Android tablet. iOS MIT App Inventor App can use the MIT test TinyWebDB site, but won't return values from the custom one.

Wondering if its an iOS security thing, iOS MIT App Inventor App bug?

How are you adding values to your TinyWebDB? It looks like only one of the three values listed in your TinyWebDB instance is valid. App Inventor JSON-encodes the values before sending them to TinyWebDB, and expects to be able to decode them as JSON values when retrieved. At the moment, the Android version will throw an error on invalid JSON but the iOS version only logs an error that isn't visible unless you're running a debug version of the companion.

The values need to be stored with double quotes? For some reason now its working on iOS as well.

I attempted to use the direct web interface to populate some values, but omitted the double quotes for the values. The MIT App Inventor app does the double quotes, so values stored from the app are consistent.

|test-a|"ping"        |April 3, 2023, 2:53 p.m.|| works
|rick  |"is_a_teacher"|April 3, 2023, 2:52 p.m.|| works
|foo2  |"head2"       |April 3, 2023, 5:39 a.m.|| works
|foo   |head          |April 2, 2023, 9:09 p.m.| broken

They need to be valid JSON, so if you're intending to store a string, yes. You could also store other types of values, such as a list (e.g., ["a", 1, true]).