About the FireBaseDB update issue:

In my project, I use the FireBaseDB "Data Changed" event to update data. When running the project with a connection, everything works fine (I assume this is because only one person is using the connection at a time, so there are no issues). However, when I use the APK to let two people run the same project simultaneously, my page keeps refreshing repeatedly.

I would like to ask:
When the "Data Changed" event in FireBaseDB is triggered, is it necessary to refresh the entire page? Or can it simply handle the corresponding behavior upon receiving the data change without refreshing the whole page?

You will need to show us exactly what you are doing.


I meant for you to show your relevant blocks

My photo is too big ,thelink is myrelevant blocks

Please just screenshots of your relevant blocks

Cannot read any of those blocks

If I guess that one of the events is DataChanged, you have a lot going on after data has changed. You will need to review what you are doing, block by block, to find the issue you are facing.

Page Refresh Issue

This is my project. When I run screen3, it keeps refreshing repeatedly. Could you help me check where the problem might be?
app1209_1 (4).aia (7.0 MB)

Make sure you have no error mark at block editor

And you have way too much screens, about 20 of them.