Ability to postpone a calendar appointment with a button

This diary was made by Kevinkun
and I want to ask if it is possible to add a button to postpone an appointment to another date with this button and the ability to include a time change as well?
CALENDAR_with_todo_list.aia (14.9 KB)

You keep posting aia-files. Why not post an image of the blocks you made. This saves a lot of people a lot of time and increases changes that you will receive help.

Sorry, I didn't know what you wrote was happening

It seems you can change the time and text of the appointment, in the same day. To change it to other day you can remove the old one and add a new one at the date/time you want (this is basically what the button would do).

It goes without saying that it can be done this way, but I thought for more practicality, to postpone the appointment with a button to move the appointment to another day.
Have a button that says for example: Snooze
and pressing this button gives the option to select another date and time, without rewriting the same text