Aab file (Android App Bundle)

Hi sorry if this question been asked already but I could not find the correct answer.

Google Play Store send me message stating all apps will be needed to be on a aab file some time soon.

All my apps are on apk currently

Yes, I understand it is not now but I would like to be prepared.

Will MIT app inventor have a aab file converter like the apk file (currently)?

If not.. Can someone advise what to do or where to go so I can get my apps on a aab file.

Thanks in advance


The functionality has been merged and will be in the next release. We don't have a firm deadline yet for when that release will go out but possibly not until the end of May. You're welcome to test the functionality on ai2-test.appinventor.mit.edu and give feedback. Note that if you do try ai2-test, you should export your keystore from ai2 and import it into the test server otherwise your app signatures will not match.

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Thanks for update and very quick response..

I am glad to hear it will be available sometime. I don't mind to wait. Just happy it will becoming out.

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