انا عندي مشكلة في بناء التطبيق كلما اضغط علي تحميل التطبيق علي جهازي تظهر رسالة مكتوب فيها التطبيق كبير وحجمه اكبر من 30 (the application is large and its size is greater than 30)

انا عندي مشكلة في بناء التطبيق كلما اضغط علي تحميل التطبيق علي جهازي تظهر رسالة مكتوب فيها التطبيق كبير وحجمه اكبر من 30mb
the application is large and its size is greater than 30)

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The aia size limit


Welcome @Sherif_mansour_omran

The message means your app is larger than 30 Mb, The main MIT server cannot compile the app. Your app is too large. The size of the code must be smaller than 30 Mb in order to code. Use smaller images and sound files.

Alternatively, you might be able to compile using the alternative
which can compile apps as large as 50Mb. The real solution is to reduce the size of the files in your code. :cry:


طب ما انا عاوز ادخل في التطبيق صوتيات وموسيقي اعمل ايه

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شكراخالص لك

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ممكن لو سمحتي رابط mit appinventor 100ميجابايت
يعني انشاء تطبيق مساحته 100 ميجابايت
انا عاوز هذا الرابط

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as it already has been said several times, the project limit is 30 MB...
you have to use one of the workarounds
see also How to overcome the App Inventor project limit of 30 MB


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.