2 questions about the chart component

Dear all,
I have 2 problems with the chart component.

  1. How can I remove the values displayed on the line in a line-chart? I only want the line.
  2. When I add an description for the chart it is displayed very small at the richt-bottom of the chart although it is displayed at the top of the chart in the designer screen.

Thanks for any help,

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The chart component does not appear to offer any options for values removal, or for the description placement

Thanks Tim,
It’'s ok for the values but I think there is something wrong with the description.

In the designer page from AI2 is it in the correct place but see in my mobile, I don’t think this is correct unless you state otherwise of course.

It appears that is where it (the description) is displayed when in companion / compiled....

I can take a look at this, though it may take some time.

Please do, I'm not in a hurry.
It would be nice if you could find a solution for the chart description, it should be on top and not very small in the right bottom corner as you can see in my pictures.

Thanks in advance,

@Susan_Lane This might be a limitation of the MPAndroidChart library. In the worst case, we could probably compose a linear view with the title label and chart separately.


Any news on this topic?
I would also like to have just the line displayed without the values.
Did you @Rudiji, succeed? it seems so in one of your pictures?
Also, any news on having int values displayed as int, and not as decimals, on the labels?

That is in the designer

OK, yes sorry.
Now I found that if Im displaying a lot of points, the values disappears, seems then there isnt room for the values. But thats not helpfull if Im only displaying 30 points (scatter chart) across the display.

Still nothing my friend.