2 questions about App Inventor

How to create package name for App in App Inventor. Sorry I'm new. Is the Package name created and how is it created? (eg: com.mit.appinventor) how to do? If not, how do we do it for firebase?

In addition:
Is there a dark mode for the site in App Inventor? Can't it be "for the site" or dark mode? I also like working in dark mode.


The package name for your project/app is created automatically by App Inventor, taking the form:

(excludes the `@gmail.com`)


Not sure what this has to do with firebase ?

There is currently no dark mode for App Inventor, but some developers have created their own dark mode for use on their own app inventor (built from sources) on their computer. MIT may have a dark mode in the pipeline, but it won't be a priority...

Can't I create a custom package name myself ?

You can - learn how to search the community using the magnifying glass.

To get you started: Custom Package Name Search Results

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