Answer: Weekly Dev Challenge is an event in which a small UI/UX app is developed . This event is held twice a month but due to more than half of the month being over this month only one will be held. This event is also being held on the Niotron community. Judgement will basis on submission of both the AI2 Distros . This challenge is open to all.
2. What type of challenge will be held every two weeks ?
Answer: In the first challenge of the month there will be a UI event, in the second challenge of the month it will be based upon programming knowledge
3. What is the the topic ?
Answer: First challenge there is no topic but on second challenge there will be a poll in which there will be a question in various computer languages
5. Where it should be done ?
Answer: AI2 based builders
6. What are the prizes ?
Answer: Self satisfaction and user appreciation and showcase at my website (
7. What is the uploading format ?
Answer: No need of aia only apk is needed in both with images
8. Where should we upload ?
Answer: Once your app is ready, There will be a form in my website (which is currently down, but will be up in 2 -3 days ) This link will be uploaded here and there you can upload your APK files.
Rules and Regulations
No paid extensions can be used
No copyright material can be used
No pirating or copying of other apps
No app that has previously been made can be accepted
Help can be taken from Google
This event not endorsed by MIT or by App Inventor
~Funlrn Devloper aka shreyansh sahoo
~ This Event Has been Started [20:32 Saturday 21st Augest]
Duration 7 days