Why are notifications not appearing correctly?

Good morning everyone and thank you for existing,
I have the following problem with notifications in this example block, simply the notification related to the component in the list "baratro" does not appear but it only shows me the last notification at the bottom connected to the component "scantinatoantitempesta". Why? Thanks

PS: There are other components in the list but for convenience and for the example I have not included them

The every blocks return lists.

A list will never equal an item in the list (unless you have an ouroborous.)

Maybe you wanted to test
Is item in list?

Yes, it's jolly fun.

My intention is to randomly choose the components in the list (in the example for convenience only one "abyss") and then for each component chosen I have a message to show. I hope I made myself understood. thanks

Just check, which one is visible

Also put your messages into a list to avoid lots of if then else blocks and choose the corresponding message from the list to display


Sorry but I can't understand how to proceed, some examples? I would be grateful

For an example of how to use lists of components, see

I'm trying other approaches but I still don't see the notifications, am I wrong? Thanks

maybe I understood the reason, searching in the forum I found the following topic:

This is the expected behavior. Blocks run on what is called the user interface (UI) thread. Therefore, no user interaction can occur within a stack of blocks, so the dialog doesn't actually appear until after the button event code completes. The ShowChooseDialog block shows the choose dialog, but it cannot pause execution due to the asynchronous nature of user interface programming. When the user clicks a button in the dialog, the AfterChoosing event is run to report the result back to your app, so anything you want to happen after the dialog should go there.

but then how can I solve it?

read and understand @ABG 's answer

If Giallo.Visible


The problem is not in choosing from the list but in displaying the notification that does not show them to me

Yes exactly
Because your if statement never will be true as we are trying to explain since a while


Sorry but my translation is not very good, I changed it this way it seems to work can you confirm if it is correct?

As you found out yourself, you also can use an advanced block
Usually you would use the regular block
GIALLO.Visible from the GIALLO drawer, same for the other arrangements

To simplify your project and to reduce blocks you now could look into


Thank you, but I'm not very handy as you may have noticed, I'll definitely try. Thanks again for your patience.

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