Who can make a Custom Webviewer extension?

I am looking for people who can make this extension. I am wanting this extension to be a webviewer

I want this webviewer to be able not to show the error screen sign & make the webviewer have a much stronger internet in the webviewer.


or do you need more ?

I think I need more

What do you want to do ?

I might have to see more webviewers cause the webviewer extensions above didn't really suited in what I am looking for

What are you looking for ?

I am looking to see what webviewer extension would have the following

No error messages on the screen and stronger internet connection

I believe that any webviewers developed for the android platform will be using the Android Webview and its associated components - there may be more methods to be found in Android Developers.

You can drag out this block:


and / or this block


with both no errors should be reported on screen (you could use these blocks to log errors to a file or tinydb for review later)

Customwebview also has two error handling event blocks:


Not sure this has anything to do with the webviewer itself, more the wifi/data connection for the device. (Unless you can tell me different...)

Are you trying to play online games ?

I am trying to use this strong internet for any website even if it has games it still needs to be able to communicate to each other.

Also I tried to login in to my account but I couldn’t cause of the internet

If you want an extension developer to develop then you should mention what are the required features in custom webview, because custom webview extensions are already there.

If a developer is willing to make a custom webviewer that includes

Strong internet and not to have a error message pop up

Strong internet connection is not a property of custom or default webview, Internet connection is stronger or weaker depends on your device network only. So, if you think a custom webview will have stronger internet connection then it's just a myth!

How can I help my device to get strong internet

Here we use broadband/5g connection in India for fast internet.

Do you know what are you saying, can you please read my reply and your ask at once...

Are you still thinking that you can get stronger internet by software? If so then you're wrong.

Sorry for that, I typed in the wrong thing but I was wanting to see on google if it was possible for a vpn could give me fast running internet for this webviewer

Also I was wondering how I can download files on the webviewer

Use either of the two extensions already provided above

unlikely, you will still be "throttled" by your own network connection

I can clarify that there is something wrong with the webviewextra because I did everything the photo says.