When can we export with API level 34?

Really? Once the updated compiler is available you make your app API level compatible by recompiling your app using the new compiler. It will take you two or three minutes or less to do that. You don't have to write new code etc. I think this is pretty nice for the App inventor developers to make this for everyone. With the commercial compilers you have much more work to do to make the apps developed ready for the new API requirements.

Please reade Anke's posts.

Thank you for the explanation.

:sleepy: ???

how can i solve it? i exported from app inventor to test, but when i load the result is this

It looks like you forgot to use the correct keystore, see also


you must excuse my ignorance, but where can I replace the keystore

I am not smart enough to be talking to more people how the hell did I even get access to whatever this is?

Hope this helps

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Why don't you build directly on the main server?
