Weekly shift schedule

This has been difficult for me to understand. Because I don't know the Firebase database. Answering your questions would help reduce the queues that are currently generated here where I live. The data I want to save is what I have been mentioning: Clinic, day, time, and type of consultation. For local data it has worked but with the Firebase database I am having problems when comparing the shift I want to save with the shift existing in the database.

This is difficult for me to understand because I don't see the benefit or purpose of your app.

If you would walk around and pretend to be your app, talking to people around you, what would you ask of them and what would you observe?

If you see any solution to recommend me, I would appreciate it. My goal is to save patient shifts and no repetitions in the database. What I asked for before is precisely so that the data is not repeated.
I saw some solution with google sheets, but I should look into that.

What is a patient shift?

Do you make your patients work for you?

Google Sheets are good for demonstrating the data structure.
Typing up some sample data in a sheet might help clear up my confusion.

I suggest browsing these search results, to help you define your data needs more precisely.

These are foundational ideas.

If you get the foundation wrong, the building will be wrong.


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