Webviewer Problem

Hi, it will be pleasure if someone tell me that why “https://okmusi.com/” website not works on webviewer, i already used extended webview, webtools etc.
The problem is that website loading fine but when i clicks on search button by entering something on input , its not working.
Please help me to solve if any one can.

The webviewer has no access to the android file system, therefore you cannot download files using that site

its not about to download, i am just asking that why its not searching, downloading is another issue

Your website only offers me a Download button ?

its not only offering download button, when you fill the input field it should be return desire data. but its not working and it is my problem

The site works well on Goggle Chrome (Android) and looking at the source, I can’t see anything nasty that would stop a Web View component from working with the site. However, it seems the feature that does not work is the actual “download” button. Download not being the correct label but this is not an English lesson.

You could instead call the phone’s browser via Activity Starter:

Thanks let me try and i will reply

i tried but its not the solution of my problem, its redirecting to “External Browser” , anyway Thanks for your support.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Webview Problems