Webview Not Working in offline mit app inventor?

Hi, I created an app using webview in app inventer using offline mit software. But, webview is not loading the url and instead showing an error 'net::ERR_CACHE-MISS. Everything worked fine in online version. But, to create a desired package name I went to offline version.

And, the second issue is 'I am not able to find any way to send push notifications to users who install my app'. Help me.

Hi Arul,

Please create a new thread for each issue that you're posting. This helps to focus one topic on one issue instead of diverting them each time.

Back to the topic. By saying "offline MIT software", do you mean you're using the aiStarter or AppInventor Offline?

  • If you're using the aiStarter emulator, you might consider using the CustomWebView extension but setting CacheMode to false. If this still does not work, you might want to check out this Stack Overflow answer which lists all possible reasons for why this error may occur.

  • If you're using AppInventor Offline, we're not sure. AppInventor Offline is not maintained by the MIT, and therefore there may be issues that we're not aware of that do not exist here. If this works in MIT AppInventor, you might want to contact the developer of AppInventor Offline or post it in their forum.

Please also show your blocks so that other users can help you better by right-clicking the blocks you want an image for and selecting Download Blocks as Image. This helps you to get a high-quality image of your blocks. Thank you.

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I'm sorry but there is no official MIT App Inventor Offline version, you are using 3rd Party software and the place to raise your query is with them, we only support verbatim App Inventor Online.


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