Actually I have a documentation website as I added to the original topic which includes detailed information about AsteroidDB. These informations was long to put them in one topic, so I created this wiki.
sir i already made online quiz app using asteroidDB…but i cant retrieve all data using get all block.i need it for monitoring prompts that i need to set a password in order to use the feature…but i am confused about this…i already set a password… is this only what i should do??? i think it should have next step but what is it?? having a password, i know i need a field to put a text there in order test if it is matched with set password…
I added this feature to prevent data leaks and for security.
There is a Password property in the AsteroidDB blocks, enter your password which you set and add it under Screen1.Initialize (or any place where before calling AsteroidDB)
If you still have problems about AsteroidDB, you can PM me by clicking my profile and click "Message".