[V2] [Free] Vungle Ads : App monetization Made Easy

It seems you are making another earning app. Isn't there anything else that you like to make and later just add ads to it?

what with this , my ads isn't showing , talk about this I'm just working on my project

Have you any solution? For not showing ads

You have to recheck your blocks, PlayRewarded on Screen Initialize isn't logically correct, first initialize, then load, then show.

I agree, instead making a worthful tools app and adding ads to it (and not spamming ads obviously) would make more sense.

Hi there nothing happens I try to initialise the sdk in screen initialise then when button click load reward video and when ad loaded show ads but nothing working

There are events, which provide you with what's wrong, How about showing that to us?

Can you provide me aia for this ?

Don't waste time on Vungle ad network. Only test ad of vungle ad network will work but real ad never work. I used it already many times but real ad will never work. It is not our fault, this problem is from Vungle company itself.

Oo that so thnks brother, can you be in my group we can make money

Yes offcourse. Please connect with me on telegram - @contact_supprt

@Know_About_IT Hi, I got this error from google play console when I was trying to upload a new version of my app including vungle ads.
How can I include this permission in my manifest file? or it will be enough to select "Turn off release errors" option?

The aix uses the old SDK. Will give an update after exams...

Ok, I'm waiting.
Wishing you success in your exams.

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