It is the same extension. This topic is only about its use.
Although in the next few days I will update it to be able to work with the asset files when the application is compiled, as @TIMAI2 proposed in a previous message.
19.- grep
The grep is a filter that is used to search for lines matching a specified pattern and print the matching lines.
grep “seis” /mnt/sdcard/AppInventor/assets/numeros.txt
grep -r “seis” /mnt/sdcard/AppInventor/assets/numeros.txt
grep -v -e “six” /mnt/sdcard/AppInventor/assets/numeros.txt
grep -o -b “seven” /mnt/sdcard/AppInventor/assets/numeros.txt
grep -n “six” /mnt/sdcard/AppInventor/assets/numeros.txt
shell_grep.aia (11.5 KB)
20.- gunzip ::: gzip
gzip: zip and unzip
gunzip: unzip
gzip --help
gzip -k -c /mnt/sdcard/AppInventor/assets/numeros.txt > /mnt/sdcard/the_numeros.txt.gz
gzip -d -c /mnt/sdcard/the_numeros.txt.gz > /mnt/sdcard/los_numeros.txt
shell_gzip.aia (11.0 KB)
21.- head ::: tail
head -n 3 /mnt/sdcard/numeros.txt (shows the first three lines of the file)
tail -n 2 /mnt/sdcard/numeros.txt (shows the last two lines of the file)
22.- ifconfig ::: ip ::: iw
ifconfig is used in LINUX to show/change network configuration,
but to modify the configuration you need to be root.
ifconfig wlan0 (shows IP)
ip net-tools which is used for performing several network administration tasks.
ip address show wlan0
ip n show
ip neigh show
ip -s neigh
ip -neighbour (to view MAC address of the devices connected to your system.)
iw (similar to ip)
23.- kill ::: killall
kill command sends a signal to a process, if signal is 9 (default) kill a procces.
ps (get PID of process)
kill 19260 (kill MIT Companion)
killall (kill process by name)
24.- ln ::: logcat ::: logname
ln creates hard links by default, or symbolic links with -s ( –symbolic), it is a very important command in LINUX, but I cannot use it with AI2.
logcat -t 300 ( is a command -line tool that dumps a log of system messages)
logname (“name” user, example: u0_a173)
25.- ls
list of files and directories.
ls -ali /mnt/sdcard/
-a (all, hidden .files)
-l (long format)
-i (show i-node number)
ls -ali /mnt/sdcard/ | grep 4096 (filter with grep lines with number 4096 (size))
ls -ali /mnt/sdcard/DCIM/
ls -ali /mnt/sdcard/DCIM/Camera > /mnt/sdcard/list_my_photos.txt
26.- md5sum
Similar to cksum
md5sum --help
md5sum /mnt/sdcard/numeros.txt
74c22f5af060ac90932f7354261d887b numeros.txt
27.- mkdir
Create directory.
mkdir /mnt/sdcard/my_new_directory
mkdir -p /mnt/sdcard/directory/subdirectory/subsubdirectory
29.- mv
mv, move a file or directory, also used to rename a file or directory.
mv /mnt/sdcard/numeros.txt /mnt/sdcard/new_numeros.txt
30.- netstat
netstat, list out all the network (socket) connections.
curl opens up possibilities in REST API calls.
31.- ping
ping, to check the network connectivity between host and server/host.
ping -c 3 (sends 3 packets)
ping -c 3
32.- printf
printf prints a formatted string to the standard output.
printf “My name is “%s”.\nIt’s a pleasure to meet you.” “John”
printf “%d plus %5f %s %.*f.” 5 5.05 “equals” 3 10.05
printf ‘hello\nworld\n!’
Examples from:
33.- ps ::: pm
ps, list process.
ps --help
ps -A
pm, package manager
pm list packages
pm list packages -f
pm list packages -s
pm list features
pm list packages --show-versioncode
34.- rm ::: rmdir
rm, remove file.
rm -r, recursive, remove directory contents.
rmdir, remove directory.
35.- sed
sed, stream editor.
This is a very simple example, change the word five to FEVER in the file /mnt/sdcard/numeros.txt
sed ‘s/five/FEVER/’ /mnt/sdcard/los_numeros.txt
sed --help
36.- service
service command starts, stops, list services.
service list
service --help