User authentication using firebase

This is very helpfull

How dit you setup your variable? Get tag and get value.....

This is very helpfull

Thank you

I will try it this way, But I actually want to use the Authentication Extension for Firebase and not the DB

Okay, I understand

How dit you setup your variable? Get tag and get value.....

that's my logic, so it's up to you to use a different logic. whatever logic is important is successful

Okay, I have set up similar blocks with some extras. Please if you can set up the same way and have a look where I went wrong.

for what you create variable IDnumber and password. please try to removing that variable.
I hope after you delete that variable, it might work and whether you have changed the rules on firebase to true


I have made the following changes just like you said:

And I have to give you a :+1: for this help, it works 100%

I will, if I get stuck with other stuff let you know

Okay @Piston17RS, thank you for your trust and support

can you guide for sign in after email verified also for password reset is possible and password expire after let say 10 days.

can you guide for sign in after email verified also for password reset is possible and password expire after let say 10 days.

in my opinion what you are talking about can only be used on a paid database Firebase