Upload PDF from MIT web viewer by link into web page

All is good.
Really many thanks TIMAI2

Another question... Do you know if it's possible to open this pdf automaticaly after download or just open and not download it ?
Because i think that my customers don't know to find it on their phone...

You can use this block to do something with the file after it has downloaded:


By default, files are downloaded to the /Download directory

I'm going to see how to open PDF.
Best regards

Do you know what i should put in quality ligne ?

After uploading
Runtime Error

The arguments , [/storage/emulated/0/Download/479A_chaudiere_KWB_Multifire_GPS-EURL.pdf], [com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.WebViewer@10065e0] are the wrong number of arguments for ViewPdf
Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds.


As shown in the documentation (did you read it?) quality settings are from 0 - 10, with 10 being the best, but this will take longer to render the pages.

Yes i have changed but even without i have error

The arguments , [/storage/emulated/0/Download/479A_chaudiere_KWB_Multifire_GPS-EURL.pdf], [com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.WebViewer@10065e0] are the wrong number of arguments for ViewPdf
Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds.

Path is good now.

Should i write something for quality ? (Best one of course)

Yes you should. Start with 5 (a maths number)



I have create another page called Show_PDF

On this page i have put :

And one

I thinking that if i closed my page Show_PDF, the page below called Occasions_GPS will be on same state..., on the link of PDF but not.
On this ASP page i show 4 items with possible pdf or not.
This ASP page can have a lot of page with 4 items presented.
When i close PDF page, i return at begining of my ASP page and not on link to upload my PDF...
Do you know if i keep ASP position to be on same machine when i close my PDF page ?

I have find one error

Runtime Error

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 140486008 byte allocation with 25165824 free bytes and 107MB until OOM, target footprint 180679536, growth limit 268435456
Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds.

For PDF of 4505 ko

I continue to test her...

You have created an infinite loop somewhere, this will cause a crash of your app.

Are you testing with companion app ?

What android version device are you testing with ?

I have now had a chance to test, with companion app on Android 12, these blocks work OK, and display the (small - 341kB) pdf. You will see I test for a .pdf extension so that the viewpdf extension is not demanded if other file types are downloaded.

With a compiled app you may need to request a permission...

(Alternatives, if that doesn't work, is to either copy the file to your ASD, or setup the webviewer with webviewextra to save the files to the ASD, so that you can read the files from there)


I never upload file on my phone and i read from my phone.

It's working on Samsung S24 ultra.
Just now, my problem is that when i close the page Show_PDF created especialy for the pdf get by my asp link, i come back on original page but she is rebooted at begining.

I have ASP listing of 4 machines by pages.
I have 20 pages.
On page number 10 i select one machine who has pdf.
I upload him.
Page of upload is open and pdf is display.
I close this page...
I come back on page one of my listing and not on page 10 where the upload link is present...
Thus my customer has seen the pdf but he has lost the machine... :face_exhaling:

It looks like you are talking about your screen Show_PDF... Please use the correct term Screen to not confuse everyone

You should look into how to switch screens... which method do you use? From a previous screenshot I assume, you are using a variation of Tribblehunter's method, so at any time there is only 1 screen open?

You could store the screenname of the screen you later like to come back to in TinyDB and open that screen then?


Are you saying, you have 20 screens?
What about reusing screens? DRY - Don't repeat yourself... see also tip 1 here


He probably means 20 pages in the PDF doc.

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Meanwhile I think, he is talking about webpages... :thinking:

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Yes web pages lol.
In reality i have around web 63 pages.
228 divide by 4 machines shown by web pages.

Thus my address has querystring like https://www.mysite.com/informations.asp?select=all&offset=16#vue

I should register this address at the moment where i clic to upload my pdf.
When i go away of my pdf page, i should return on same address.

I can register her into variable, send this address by startvalue and come back with her...

To have the address of web browser at opening pdf it's webViewExtra1 GetUserAgentString ?

No... Apparently i can have two variables into start value...

I should recover web address just before to clic on pdf link.
This address should be register into tinydb and when i go away of my pdf page (Show_PDF) i should go back on page Occasions_GPS and display the address into Afficheur_Web1.

How to have this address who has querystrings to be able to come back on same page ?

Try the manager screen method, see link above