Upload file problem

I'm creating an ai age detector with image picker when user selected the image it will upload to the server for ai detection, but after clicking upload button it gives me ERROR 1104
Here is my blocks screenshot:

Here is the aia:
AIPersian (2).aia (458.5 KB)

You are trying to PostFile a json, which will not work.

Try adding that parameter to the end of your Web1.Url.

Also check that the api does not require multi-part data for the file upload. If it does, then you cannot do this with the web component.

oh, yes it requires multi-part data for the file upload.
check here:

You may need to construct an html file, containing a form with a file select button (input tag), and then a script for the form action to send the file to the api.

You would need a webviewer, and the webviewextra extension.

Yes, it's working.
I sent the .aab file to cafebazaar, I hope they won't reject the app :slight_smile:

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