Upload csv file from app to remote server using php code

I am creating an app that fetches data from csv file (stored in mobile) and do some calculations and export to a remote server.
I checked on Mr.Scotts page https://groups.google.com/g/app-inventor-developers-library/c/Sc4a1wZHL-Q/discussion?pli=1

this is my code. pl help

See here:

POSTing a file to a php server

I get this error

When you do what with what ? Show blocks, php etc.

Did you test with curl ?


Did you ensure that the HTTP server user (Apache - www-data) has correct ownership and permissions for the php file to write the uploaded file to your csv folder

I have not worked with 'curl' commands.

Then how do you know that your server is configured correctly ? It is a server generated error.

this thread also might help
