Unable to upload files to Dropbox

Hello, I'm a newbie at MIT AI. Please help me, I've been trying for three days now, but nothing is working. I have studied everything that is available on the Internet at the moment, tried to reproduce the examples in detail, but nothing works. In this case, I implemented an example from App Inventor Tutorials and Examples: Dropbox | Pura Vida Apps

If I make it so that the full path to the file is sent...

...then nothing changes.

If I add a space after "Dropbox-API-Arg"...

Снимок экрана 2025-01-18 141025


Please help me, I have almost figured out all the MIT functions I need, but nothing is working.

It looks like you copied the blocks manually and introduced some errors in the blocks...

Import my example project into App Inventor, move the blocks into the backpack to incude them into your oroject to avoid these errors

Fir example it is path and not patch
There are further errors. .


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[mod edit] Your example works.... But not on the iPhone. I think that MIT and Apple can only work directly with the catalog of the application itself... Which makes me a little upset... But on Android, everything is fine... I copied the drawings incorrectly and didn't see the link (it was only thanks to your response that I realized it was there)... I need to be more careful. Thank you." I almost gave up. As for the iPhone, there's a lot to think about, but it's not clear what exactly...

If you can, help me solve the problem with the iPhone... And another question is, how long does the Dropbox token "live"?

But for the 1st answer, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!

What is the catalog?
What are the issues you are experiencing in iOS?

For questions like this check the Dropbox API documentation. I think, it lives forever.


Folder.... Incorrect translation, sorry, I use Google Translate... I need an application that transmits photo reports and text explanations from my employees to Dropbox. They work on different construction sites, and they love... deceive. Therefore, it is necessary that they have the opportunity to send only those photos that they have just taken. Not pre-taken photos like in WhatsApp or Telegram, but the ability to upload photos and screenshots is also needed. And on the iPhone, only these blueprints work correctly:


And only within its own folder. I haven't experimented with ImagePicker yet... But your example on the iPhone didn't work.

"Game over"... I can click on the photo selection button again, select the photo... and again... and again...

What is the value of imagepicker.selection in iOS ? Is this the correct and available path to the image ?

Something like that. For me, the iPhone file system is a scary dark forest. I know something about Android, but not about the iPhone.
This is the camera folder.

And this is the screenshot folder.

Which is it asset.jpg or asset.PNG ?

I do not know why such names are used.

As I understand it, ImagePicker grab an image from the camera folder (or screenshot folder) to the MIT folder and renames them.

I did it like this.

But it seems that no response is coming from the server... Probably the WEB blueprints don't work on the iPhone

Probably there is still a bug for PostFile in the iOS version?


I think I'm going to lose my mind... How can I transfer files (photos) from an iOS app? Does anyone have any ideas or, better yet, experience working with cloud storage from an application created at MIT for iOS? Or is this a question for a new topic?

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