Unable to activate constraint with anchors error - Many consecutive and invisible arrangements defined with percentage height

i dont know where i went wrong and i dont know how to fix it becouse im quite new to mit app inventor. but the problem is this

and my .aia is
QuizApp_copy (1).aia (3.9 MB)

Android or iOS?


On which screen does the error occur?

i made it on my pc and conected as a copanion on my ios

You have what, 5 Screens?

Which one gets the error?

You might try turning off all music before switching Screens.
Also turn off all Clock Timers before switching Screens.

i mean even tho i am a long time user,not to the community tho), it looks complex to me

@zrifk The problem is that there are many concatenated Arrangements -originally invisible - vying for space and defined with percentage height. I estimate that if the sum of these percentages were 100% such an error would not happen... but if you add all these percentages the total gives 199%... something difficult to manage.

The way the app was built some percentage possibilities could coexist below 100% as its visibility is controlled... but to compile the *.apk is not made an analysis of the programmed visibility flow... and the compiler It decides that it will not be possible for them to coexist.

In a modest attempt, I modified the height of a few Arrangements in the screen StartQuiz, without analyzing all the flow of visibility... and changed percentage values ​​to fixed values.

The error has disappeared and the *.apk is gently compiled on Android.

Try importing this *.aia and see if it works well in iOS :pray:

QuizApp_copy2.aia (3.9 MB)



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@zrifk Look at this feature to know how to properly assign the fixed height for each Arrangement, without using percentage values ​​»



@Lito you cannot use extensions with ios...